Premier-Pipe SB Liner

After several years of fine tuning this proprietary product Premier Pipe USA is proud to announce our SB Liner. This state-of-the-art styrene barrier coating allows us to contain and trap the styrene odor from going upstream, downstream, or up any lateral connections.Premier Pipe USA is excited to showcase our SB Liner to the Trenchless Technology industry. While continuing to use our standard felt liner design from Applied Felts, we adhere this coating to our liner and we have SB Liner. Keeping the same physical properties and flexibility of felt CIPP liner combined with our proprietary styrene barrier coating we are very confident in dimpling laterals and performing at the highest standard.Premier Pipe USA has researched, developed, and tested SB Liner to keep this product an inversion liner.SB Liner is a proprietary product that is exclusive with our Premier Pipe USA group, Am-Liner East, Michels Pipeline Services, and Insight Pipe Contracting.