- Meets and exceeds every ASTM for CIPP.
- Designed in accordance with the latest ASTM standards.
- Supported by some of the most experienced technicians in the world and has been installed on three continents.
- Utilizing Applied Felts tube which is manufactured under ISO 9002, has over three million feet installed in the U.S. alone.
- Installed by trained and certified lining technicians.
- A safe, time-tested and proven method.

Premier Pipe’s CIPP Systems
Premier Pipe USA and its certified installers believe our environment is very important, not only today, but for the future of our children and generations to come. The focus for our research and development into the future of trenchless technology is to not only minimize the impact we have on any project site, but also to provide new and innovative techniques. Urban or rural, the footprint we leave affects us all.

Cured-In-Place Tech Liner
Premier-Pipe Tech Liner is a specially developed liner that is over four years in the making.
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Premier-Pipe UV
Premier-Pipe UV, is a glass liner saturated with UV cure resin and protected with a Styrene barrier.
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Premier-Pipe Pressure Liner
This liner, like all of our liners, is manufactured in the USA with a standard polyester resin that can reach pressures of a 1000 psi.
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Green CIPP
This is our most environmentally friendly liner system to date. Premier-Pipe Green is our Special Tech Liner made with a felt and patented glass
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Premier-Pipe Hydromain
Premier Pipe Hydromain delivers fiberglass strength with traditional felt liner performance to provide the most innovative CIPP custom solutions for potable water applications.